How to Cite

How to Cite

Each entry page contains a “how to cite” link that provides the information you need to cite that entry in APA, MLA, Chicago, AP, and Blue Book styles.

If your style guide prefers a single bibliography entry for this resource, we recommend:

Johnson, Samuel. A Dictionary of the English Language. 1755, 1773. Edited by Beth Rapp Young, Jack Lynch, William Dorner, Amy Larner Giroux, Carmen Faye Mathes, and Abigail Moreshead. 2021.

Note that our practice is to list Beth Rapp Young first, to recognize her key role in creating this project, followed by our lead editor, Jack Lynch, and then our other editors alphabetically. In your citation, you will normally also need to provide the date on which you accessed the site.

Citing the About Pages

Where no author is specified, the text pages on this site were written by Beth Rapp Young. You can therefore cite the information on these pages as in the following example:

Young, Beth Rapp. “Guide to Dictionary.” Johnson’s Dictionary Online, 2021. Accessed DATE.